Sunday 22 June 2014

The COLD never bother me anymore


This line from 'Let it go!' song is exactly matching with my nutritional immunology lifestyle now :).

As I consumed wholesome plant food product during pregnancy, JY hardly fall sick before she turned 2 1/2 years old. She started 2hrs playgroup session when she was 2. Clean record throughout the 2 semesters, deep in my heart I knew it's because of the health foundation I had given her since she was in my womb.

However, JY started to catch cold almost every month after i enrolled her into full air-conditioning childcare centre. I began to panicked when she catches cold so frequently as she hardly fall sick before that.

I tried to avoid western medicine as I know they are all suppressant and not only do they cause side effect, it actually also weaken the immune system thus caused kids fall sick more frequently.

Here I would like to describe abit further why we hate western medicine so much - there was one time PD prescribed antibiotics and guess what there's a 'POISON' sticker on the box, isn't it funny? Expect me to feed POISON to my darling? Of course, I am not saying western medicine is totally useless, we still need it during emergency time. There was one time, I surrendered and gave antibiotics to JY as she was on high fever for 3 days, but regretted as she had rashes right after the antibiotics.

So I go for TCM initially, but later I heard more and more news on heavy metal contamination on TCM herbs. Furthermore, we basically don't know what are the ingredients inside and the side effect of the herbs. So like western medicine, those herbs will burden our kid's liver or kidney as well.

So if no western medicine or TCM herbs then what?

Soon, I realized that only plant food is the one which is safe and has no side effect at all. This is align with  the science of Nutritional Immunology - advocate wholesome plant food to nourish our immune system.

Well, basically there's no medicine for cold or flu due to viruses, so ultimately we need our immune system to fight against. So actually there's no better way than to give our immune system adequate nutrient so that our immune system can carry out 3 tasks i.e. defense, cleanse and repair.

I fed Jiaying NOCO and ACT daily for consecutively 3 months - reason being our cell renewal takes 90-180days. And add on Orchestra whenever she has coughing. Since then till now - THE COLD NEVER BOTHER ME ANYMORE :)

She still have runny nose or coughing occasionally, but she will recover within few days.

At the same time, i also found out why she suddenly prompt to cold and flu after sending her to full day full air-conditioning childcare - according to KKH child specialist & PD which I brought JY to, most kids with cow's milk protein allergic are more prompt to respiratory system problems after they turn 3.

Feel free to contact me if you want to improve your kid's immune system effectively and reduce the cold and flu frequently ya.


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