Thursday 10 July 2014

Are you a DHA fans?

As JY has cow's milk protein allergy, so we actually had a hard time to find cereal product which strictly has no traces of milk contain inside.

That's how I came across and give JY the Happybellies cereal when she was 6 months old till 1 year plus. In fact I was happy that i managed to can find a cereal that contains choline and DHA which other organic cereals do not seem to have.

Until JX was about to start solid food, that's when I started to source for cheaper Happybellies cereal online. And guess what? This is what i found:

I was shocked and immediately understand the reason behind Jiaying's fussiness.

Apparently the DHA added to Happy bellies are extracted through using a petrol chemical known as Hexane. 

And the side effects include:
•Severe gas
•Diarrhea and vomiting
•Gastric reflux
•Constipation and bowel obstruction
•Agitation, fussiness, crying, and severe distress

As compared with JX, JY was fussy, has irregular bowel movements and always had gassy stomach. We suspected all these are side effects because of unwise choice. As I always thought as long as it's organic then should be safe without probe further.

So what I have learn from this incident:

1.  Natural wholesome plant food is definitely the best

2. Do take note of the any kind of additive (i.e vitamins, mineral, probiotic, prebiotic, DHA, etc.) added in the milk powder or cereal

3. Food safety

As a whole, since our body can produce DHA and EPA naturally from ALA obtained from plant, then it is best to go for wholesome plant food rather than the replacement diet such as synthetic or extracted DHA with unknown/hidden risk of contamination.

Now I gives OSeed to both gals and my husband as Omega 3 source. I am sure this is the best Omega 3 choice.

Read more at:



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