Wednesday 16 July 2014

Is your Omega-3 come from safe sources? For example from fish oil or flaxseed

Other than the above mention, what else we should know about the super common fish oil supplement?

1. Contamination
Nowadays ocean is heavily polluted by all sorts of rubbish, industrial waste, toxic, petrochemical n etc.  Due to water pollution, some species of fish are contaminated by high levels of mercury, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and other pollutants. The US Food and Drug Administration advices children and expectant mothers to avoid eating fish that may contaminated by high levels of mercury.

2. Unsuitable for Consumption
In particularly cod liver oil, has excessive vitamin A and vitamin D content.
Do you know that liver's main function is to filter and detox, fish liver is more likely to contain toxic contaminants.

Imagine you're extracting the oil out from the water filter back in our kitchen, hmm...

3. Depletes Vitamin E
Fish oil can reduce vitamin E levels, either by preventing vitamin E from being absorbed or by causing the body to use up vitamin E more quickly

4. Side effects
Including diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, abdominal bloating, nausea, loose stools, rash and nosebleeds.

5. Interference with Medication
Fish oil can increase total blood cholesterol and prevent blood clotting, through interaction with medications, such as blood thinners, aspirin and high blood pressure drugs.

6. High calorie
Animal fats such as fish oil are high in calories. One tablespoon of code liver oil, or example, contains 122 calories

7. Dangers of overdose
Overdose increase risk of stroke and cancer. Studies show that consuming too much can reduce immune system activities, making the body more susceptible to infection. Especially increase the risk of having prostate cancer.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in October 2010 also showed that contrary to popular belief, pregnant lady who consume fish oil do not lower their risk of postnatal depression or boost their babies' mental development.

So where should we obtain Omega-3 from?

Answer is from PLANT SOURCE.
What's more it has to be in wholesome form and not the extracted plant oil.

For example - Flaxseed

What's wrong with flaxseed?

Do you know that some countries actually restrict the use of flax seed.

Restrictions on human use of flax seed as a food are due mainly to the presence of toxic cyanogenic compounds (linamarin, linustatin, and neolinustatin) that yield a weak, highly poisonous acid known as hydrocyanic acid or prussic acid on enzymatic hydrolysis. Furthermore, flax seed contains trypsin inhibitors and a vitamin B6 antagonist.

Therefore, it is best to avoid eating raw or unripe flax seeds as they are thought to be poisonous.

The U.S. National Library of Medicine recommends avoiding flax seed during pregnancy and breast-feeding as flax seed can act like the hormone estrogen; some healthcare providers worry that this might harm the pregnancy. The effect of flax seed on breast-fed infants is unknown at this time. Animal studies have shown the negative effects eating flax has on pregnancy and reproductive development. Flax seed might slow clotting. This raises the concern that it could increase the risk of bleeding in people with bleeding disorders.



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